Often in a codependent relationship, one person relies on the other to fulfill their emotional needs and provide them self-esteem. Codependency may also describe a relationship that enables someone with substance use disorder to continue self-destructive behavior. Substance abuse and substance use disorders harm more than just the person who is struggling with them.

Thus, therapists
and health care professionals are asked to direct interventions not only to
drinkers with alcohol use disorders, but also to problem drinkers and “at-risk”
drinkers. Alcohol abuse disorder significantly alters an individual’s personality, and as a result, it can make them unrecognizable from the person they were before they started drinking. Individuals who have alcohol use disorder become more and more secretive, often out of fear, shame, or guilt. They begin to hide things from their significant other such as where they are, whom they are spending time with, and what they did during the day. Keeping the truth from your significant other may start as an innocent defense mechanism, but eventually, it will most likely lead to blatant lies and mistrust.

Find Treatment for You or Your Partner

These disorders are very complex, and this post does not take into account the unique circumstances for every individual. For specific questions about your health needs or that of a loved one, seek the help of a healthcare professional. Relationship problems are a common byproduct of alcohol addiction, though there are several ways to combat it. Professionals can provide family support for loved ones affected by addiction and help individuals reach recovery at the same time.

The decline of a spouse’s health, sometimes paired with much more aggressive behavior, can be difficult to witness. Also, most victims of intimate partner violence believe that their spouse had been drinking before the assault happened. CHOICE
After https://stylevanity.com/2023/07/top-5-questions-to-ask-yourself-when-choosing-sober-house.html discussing reactions of the drinker and family members to the feedback,
the conversation should move to determining possible next steps. Here, it
is important to ensure that the drinker has choices and does not feel forced
to select one option.

Lasting Effects of Living With an Alcoholic

Given that alcohol can contribute to all these issues, it’s likely that alcohol use has the potential to lead to separation issues in some couples. Alcohol use, especially when it’s excessive, can put a strain on your relationship with your intimate partner or spouse. But for many people, it can also be a source of conflict in their relationships. While every person’s response to alcohol is different, your reaction may make your partner uncomfortable.

How does alcoholism affect communication?

It's not news that heavy drinking can lead to poor communication and relationships problems. This is because people with alcohol use disorder have been found to struggle with non-verbal communication, including the ability to express emotions through facial expressions, tone of voice and body language.