It is a land rich in natural resources, with recent oil discoveries putting it among the world leaders in potential oil reserves. The newly independent Republic of Kazakhstan ranks ninth in the world in geographic size and is the largest country in the world without an ocean port.

Kazakhs are historically a nomadic people, and thus many of their cultural symbols reflect nomadic life. The horse is probably the most central part of Kazakh culture. Kazakhs love horses, riding them for transportation in the villages, using them for farming, racing them for fun, and eating them for celebrations. Many Kazakhs own horses and keep pictures of them in their houses or offices. Also a product of their formally nomadic lives is the yurt, a Central Asian dwelling resembling a tepee, which was transportable and utilitarian on the harsh Central Asian steppe.

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Gender-Role Findings in Almaty, Kazakhstan

The idea was that these departments would direct all work on the education of women in the spirit of socialism. Moreover, they had to organize their work in such a way as to make women different. Women had to understand and accept the ideas of socialism, they had to allow themselves to work, to be in the limelight, to have a voice.

Because of State Department travel advisories, I also looked into traveling to other countries where Russian is spoken. Kazakhstan, an independent country , is a former Soviet Socialist Republic where Russian is still the primary language. I became intrigued by Kazakhstan’s pre-Soviet nomadic and Soviet history and how and why Russia continues to influence its culture and politics. Kazakhstan’s international partners should urge the Kazakh government to criminalize domestic violence as a standalone offense.

This means that Kazakhstan women are not going to come straight to your hotel room “for a swim”. You are not going to have thousands of Tinder matches, or hundreds of messages on online dating just for being a foreigner. On the flip side, Southeast Asia is practically on another planet as far as weather. In Eastern Europe, the cold winters means that people want to hibernate together. As someone who has seen most of Eastern Europe and Asia, I think it’s important to note that there are huge differences in the overall culture.

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Democracy and independence have been hard sells to a people who grew accustomed to the comforts and security of Soviet life. The Kazakhs, a Turkic people ethnically tied to the Uighur (We-goor) people of western China and similar in appearance to Mongolians, emerged in 1991 from over read at sixty years of life behind the Iron Curtain.

It’s a country that is severely underrated by digital nomads and regular travelers. Kazakhstan’s first female presidential candidate Dania Espaeva participated in the 2019 presidential elections. As a Mazhilis MP, Espaeva was nominated from the Ak Zhol Democratic Party and was one of seven candidates. International Women’s Day is an official state holiday in Kazakhstan. The maternal mortality rate in Kazakhstan is 12 deaths/100,000 live births . The total fertility rate is 2.31 children born/woman , which is slightly above the replacement rate.

The region does not seem to be one that will readily go to war, while memories of the war in Afghanistan in the late 1970s are fresh in most people’s minds. The powers of the legislature are severely limited; most glaringly, they don’t even have the power to initiate legislation. There is a Supreme Court of forty-four members and a Constitutional Court of seven members. While much of the control is centered in Astana with the president, legislature, and courts, there are fourteen provinces or states, called oblasts in Russian, with governors and certain rights. Some would argue that there is no bigger problem in Kazakhstan than rising social stratification at all levels. Kazakh capitalism has been a free-for-all, with a few people grabbing almost all of the power regardless of who suffers. Seventy years of living in a land without imports or major foreign trade made the people of Kazakhstan rely heavily on their Soviet neighbors and on producing for themselves.

Archival Treasures of Kazakhstan Offer New Images and Voices of Its History

Despite the difficulties, women’s departments in Kazakhstan took into account the socio-economic and cultural specifics of Kazakhstan. Much of the credit for this goes to the women in charge of these departments. At the local level, they became supportive bodies for women, places they could come in search of justice. It was not a question of how well they managed the main task—to get all the women of Kazakhstan to accept the Soviet power—or how successful they were in eliminating illiteracy, or how many child care centers appeared in the late 1920s. The women’s departments of Kazakhstan did an excellent job in their basic mission of conveying the basic ideas of the Bolsheviks—that is, the ideology of the Communist Party—to every single woman. Among the countries of Central Asia, Kazakhstan is a leader in progress on gender equality. Kazakhstan improved its overall ranking and jumped 15 positions to 65th place in the Global Gender Gap Index 2022, a report designed to measure gender equality among 146 countries.

However, often women have not been promoted to the top positions in national government and the private sector. With alcoholism on the rise, especially among men, and educational performance among men often lower than average, women may play an even more significant role in the future Kazakhstani economy.

The dramatic scenario of the AIDS/HIV spread in other countries can be repeated in Kazakhstan where the society is not ready to independently cope with the solution of this problem. When asked whether she herself has a role model, Assanova said it was difficult for her to choose one woman among the many who have inspired her. “Since his youth, he collected poems about mothers written by poets of different countries and Kazakh poets, then he collected calendars, postcards, envelopes, stamps, badges, posters, and books dedicated to outstanding women of Kazakhstan. This is how his collection of Women of Kazakhstan began to form on his shelves,” said Assanova. The project’s seeds were planted back in the 1990s by Assanova’s late grandfather Shora Sarybayev, who was inspired by the many women he worked with.