Procrastinators use their debit cards far too often–like it’s some kind of magical money card–only to have their mystical beliefs shattered when they discover they owe $75 in overdraft fees. There’s no one-size-fits-all best way for a couple to handle finances. If you need more help starting financial conversations, consider asking a professional to facilitate talks about money with you and your partner. Don’t plow into all 10 vital money questions immediately.

“Financial boundaries should be respected in relationships, and continually overstepping this line is the sign of an issue.” Does your partner cringe or change the subject when you ask what their credit score is? Although bad credit in and of itself does not have to be a dealbreaker, if your partner has a lot of other financial red flags, you may want to take this one more seriously.

And What If You’re The One With Debt Issues?

Dating websites such as eHarmony allow users to indicate whether they are spenders or savers in their profiles. (“where good credit scores are sexy”) asks members to provide credit scores for potential sweethearts. Financial issues cause major divides in relationships, so it’s important to look out for money-related red flags, and talk about them ASAP. The issues listed above will provide a great conversation starter to make talking about money easier.

If you are dating a man who is struggling financially and is flippant about spending your money, then he is using you for sure. While women reap the benefit of the online attention, men are left wondering how the dating pool has gotten so far out of reach. Consequently, those same women who are marketing themselves as something they’re not are left without a partner and wondering where all the good men have gone. Through social media, both sexes are conditioned to treat themselves as a number instead of embracing true human connection and partnership. Social media vies for people’s attention leading women to commercialize themselves, which gives men an unrealistic expectation of the dating pool. On social media, people are encouraged to only show their best, even if it’s fake!

It is never good to hear this but often, if a man is not financially stable, it could be because he has an addiction. He could be addicted to shopping, making unnecessary expenditures that he can’t afford or can do without. Or addiction to video games that render him too tired to go to work leading to a frequent loss of jobs.

As popular as sugar dating is becoming among the college scene, it is important to recognize how sugar dating is exploitative and can become dangerous, to the point of sex trafficking. To first start off, it is important to acknowledge why women in college are inclined to join these types of arrangements. It is a more common pattern to see a sugar daddy/female sugar baby relationship focus on sexual relations, while sugar momma/male baby relationships are more about developing a nurturing relationship. Men typically describe their interactions with women as it being a regular relationship where the partner happens to be a little bit older and have a higher socioeconomic status. Sugar dating is a transactional dating practice typically characterized by an older, wealthier person and a younger person in need of financial assistance in a mutually beneficial relationship. Sugar dating is posed as something safe and an alternative balance of school and working on or multiple part-time jobs.

What to Do If You’re Dating a Man Who is Struggling Financially

After all, most people believe that debt is a deal-breaker when it comes to love. Prof. Adshade suggests that the select men who use match-making services are often more financially secure and she believes that most men care greatly about their partners’ finances. “Your spending habits can signal broader traits about the person,” says Scott Rick, assistant professor of marketing at the University of Michigan who studies relationships between spenders and savers.

This Bonkers Softball Play At Home Plate Is Right Out Of A Cartoon

Avoid getting protective about your debt or portraying it negatively – As if you’re embarrassed about it. Be ready to talk about the type of debt you have, whether they are credit cards or unsecured loans. Prepare your numbers, so your partner has a solid picture of where you are. You might explain why you owe that much money and what steps you’re taking to get out of debt. About two months into seeing each other, “the other shoe dropped,” as Melissa, 34, puts it now, laughing.

What you’ll learn will give you a clearer idea about what’s negotiable and non-negotiable for you and your partner. Money and sex regularly rank as the most common reasons couples fight. Sobriety takes determination and commitment as does being in a relationship with a recovering addict. Recovering alcoholics and recovering addicts know the key to relationships is honesty and openness. Use the early stages of your relationship to get to know one another, discuss triggers, and even boundaries.

Older age groups are more likely to hold mortgage debt, which usually isn’t considered a bad thing. Discuss and understand the numbers, and see what you are spending on mutually. Once you have figured out the numbers, it will give you a better idea of how much you can invest in the relationship financially. I know talking about money is hardly romantic, but it is very important when you are dating a man who is struggling financially.