They don’t spend time wondering how deep their feelings for someone go. Like Pisces, Geminis are prone to falling in love at first sight. But their feelings tend to stay on the shallow end. Because of this, it’s easier for them to cut ties with someone and move on fast.

The Pisces woman will enjoy a great adventure with her Gemini man. The female Pisces needs to take pleasure in the excitement of the unknown even when it is obvious she enjoys the comfort of her home. Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh. She’s passionate about the environment and feminism, and knows that anything is possible in the right pair of shoes. She plans on writing a non-fiction book in the future.

Best Match for the Pisces Man

When it comes to being stubborn, not many signs can compete with a Taurus. These men often operate on a “my way or the highway” philosophy. Once they set their mind to something they become very inflexible.

Cancer (June 21 – July

His sign is named after the constellation of the fish, which is symbolic of many of his behaviors. He floats through life without a care and sometimes gets caught up in a current of feelings, but he typically navigates the world in a simple, slow-moving manner. He’ll work to get through the conflict peacefully, preferring to forgive and forget rather than let an argument cause a divide between the two of you. Quick-witted Gemini can seem a bit flighty or even harsh for sweet Pisces, so these two sometimes don’t work out.

Yeah yeah, I know I’m interested in another girl, but who cares. When she first declared we were dating, I was really really excited. But it’s been months now, and it’s kinda getting duller. I still get dreams of her, and like how great she is, how cute she is, blah blah etc. etc. We don’t get to talk much anymore, seeing how she goes from her fathers to her mothers house constantly, and when we do talk, she’s really quiet.

In a relationship with you, she will want you to be mentally and physically stimulating. She wants to be excited about the relationship she’s in. When he dates a woman, he wants to know that he can always take care of her. In fact, he likes the thought of dating someone who is a little bit needy and clingy, just so he knows he matters to her. Aries can be very impulsive and child-like, but he also likes the thought of dating an older woman to bring a little more control and tranquility to his life. What he looks for most often in a relationship is someone who is just as confident and experienced as he is – two child-like souls in a relationship won’t make him happy.

Bear in mind that when a Pisces male falls for a woman, he falls fast and hard. He is therefore willing to pour his entire heart into the relationship, which makes his heart incredibly easy to break. You can pretty much bet that if you are with a Pisces male and you are not his first love, that he bears the emotional scars from past relationships. They can easily adapt to new situations and fit in anywhere. They don’t want to get trapped in the same routine day after day. Geminis are adventurous and spontaneous, so they will never turn down the chance to have some fun.

Make a point to communicate with her often so that you can develop trust. Don’t try and back her into a corner asking questions, though. She’ll immediately see what you’re doing and won’t want to be tied down or controlled, and will leave. She will also make a point to never be bored with you, either. As long as her date takes her somewhere exciting and interesting or does something she’s never done before, she will be happy. She just needs someone who can match her interests in life and will be willing to do new things with her.

The Perfect Date For Your Partner (According To Their Zodiac Sign)

Their castle is a forever home for happiness and their garden is magical where red roses of love grow with thorns. Overall, a Gemini and Pisces relationship is considered to be an incompatible zodiac match. But because they’re both mutable signs, they do have what it takes to work through many of the ups and downs in their relationship.

Once Gemini gets his fill, he’s off to the next lover who will open him up to someone totally new and different. His attention span isn’t very long, so a partnership with an older woman will thaimatch be short and sweet. Pisces is most likely to date older women over younger women for that reason. He wants to know that she can take care of him and bring a calming presence to his life.