FOB destination helps buyers as they are not responsible for the transport of goods. Instead, the seller holds complete accountability and needs to pay shipping costs. Buyers can also inspect the consignment and check for damages before clearing the payments. Sellers can record a sale when they deliver the shipment to the point of origin, where the buyer assumes the responsibility for the goods. Similarly, buyers need to record the goods in their inventory at that point. Even if the shipment takes a week or two to arrive, the inventory remains an asset in the accounts.

This section will explore potential risks and liabilities, responsibilities for shipping costs, and the importance of proper documentation and communication. Mastering what is FOB point can be a real treasure chest of cost savings for buyers. Buyers can use their negotiation skills to score better shipping rates or choose a shipping carrier that offers better pricing by taking ownership of the goods at the seller’s shipping point. It’s like being a pirate and taking control of the ship without any swashbuckling required! Plus, with greater control over the shipping process, buyers can ensure that the goods arrive on time and in good condition, all while saving some doubloons along the way.

Benefits of FOB Shipping Points

Also assume that the goods are on the truck until January 2, when they are unloaded at the buyer’s location. Therefore, the seller should continue to report these goods in its inventory until January 2. The seller will be responsible for the shipping costs, which will be an expense in January when the sale is reported. If you’re a business owner looking for cost savings and control over shipping, consider using FOB shipping points. With FOB shipping points, you can save money on shipping costs and have more control over the logistics of your shipments. And with Strikingly, you can easily communicate with your shipping partner and ensure that all necessary documentation is accurately completed.

While the shipping costs also get determined only after the transfer of ownership, it also affects inventory and accounting records. The seller can record a sale as soon as they ship the goods to their loading dock. While shipping costs are determined by when the buyer takes ownership of a particular order of goods, a company’s accounting system is also impacted. If a shipment is sent FOB Shipping Point (the seller’s warehouse), then the sale is concluded as soon as the truck pulls out of the seller’s loading dock and is noted in the accounting system as such.

Differences Between FOB Shipping Point and FOB Destination

Think of it as a relay race – the baton (in this case, the goods) are passed off to the buyer as soon as they leave the seller’s hands. For instance, Company B in the Philippines buys medical equipment from Taiwan and signs an FOB destination agreement. Let us say that the medical equipment didn’t arrive at the Company B’s specified address because of any reason. The supplier from Taiwan will be liable to FOB shipping point process reimbursement or replacement for the undelivered medical equipment. Customer-arranged pickup, in which the buyer arranges to have the goods picked up from the seller’s location and assumes responsibility for them at that time, may replace any FOB conditions. In this circumstance, the billing staff must be notified of the changed delivery conditions so they do not charge freight to the consumer.

Despite their convoluted language largely drafted in legal speak, it is the responsibility of all parties involved in a shipment to be sure they understand all incoterms. If these terms are miscommunicated, a simple shipment may turn into a wildly expensive mishap fairly quickly. Did you know that Strikingly has unique shipping features for ecommerce business? Just like our users, you can build your ecommerce website with us and set specific shipping rules on your online store. On the screenshot image below, you will notice the shipping options that you can set prior to selling your products online. For example, on the shipping rule you can set it to flat rate per item, by order weight, or even store pickup.


Shipping terms are important because of the massive worldwide volume shipped, and the need to have a common understanding of these terms for contracts. The terms affect shipping costs, liability, and even financial statements for accounting. With so many languages spoken, it makes sense to have agreed-upon terms to lessen confusion.

FOB shipping point

FOB shipping point (also known as FOB origin) and FOB destination point reference the moment in the transaction where the title of the goods transfers from seller to buyer. This is a very necessary distinction in that it determines succinctly which party is responsible and liable for any lost or damaged goods during the shipping at any given time. On the other hand, another International commercial term used in the shipping process is the FOB shipping destination. The distinction of Free on board destination or FOB destination from FOB shipping point is that the seller remains liable for any loss or damage of the package until it gets delivered to the buyer. The buyer marks it an increase in stock once the package is delivered in good condition and gets to the warehouse.